
This blog is to track the progress of our Johnny and Skookum Dalmatian puppy litter. We had puppies on May 14th. Our website can also be accessed at www.seaspecsdals.com.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


In June, mom Skookum competed in an all-breed obedience trial in Canby, Oregon, in conjunction with the Mt Hood Dalmatian Club Specialty and earned her CDX (companion dog excellent) title! This means she is now a VCD2 which requires a minimum of open titles in obedience and agility, and a tracking title. We now have a goal of attempting to qualify for a VCD3. As far as we know, no dalmatian has ever done this, but it will at least be fun trying. To do this, we must obtain a TDX, UD, and one more agility title. Wish us luck! At our rate of speed, it may take awhile. Here is a fun photo of Skookum taking an agility jump. One of these days, I must get an obedience photo.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Skookum & Mom you guys can do it!!!! Thats Awesome!

    Hoping to have Jax all polished for his CD pretty soon!

    Dara & Jax
